Finding ebooks
- Type your search terms, title, or author of the book in the search box at the top of this page.
- On the results page, use the “Source type” filter under the search box. If “eBooks” is not an option, look in “All filters” to see all options for the source type. Check the box for ebooks and click “Apply filters.”
Using ebooks
To read an ebook, click the “Access options” or “Access now” button, then click “access online”, “PDF full text”, or “EPUB full text” link. Ebooks are best accessed on your desktop or tablet while connected to the Internet – they do not always work well on phones and do not work at all on Kindles. Offline downloading can be difficult.
We have three platforms for ebooks – Proquest, EBSCO, and OverDrive. They mostly work in a similar fashion but there are some differences to be aware of:
EBSCO | ProQuest | OverDrive | |
Maximum users | Unlimited, with a few exceptions. Check the menu section “details” while viewing the book. | Varies. Check the first screen when you open the book in the “Availability” section. | One user at a time per copy. |
Checkouts, loan periods, and holds | No checkouts for online reading. Downloads will be checked out for a specific duration. | None. | Similar to print books, you must check the book out. 7 day loan period. You can place a hold if the book is currently checked out. |
Downloading books for offline reading with a mobile device | Yes, get the “EBSCO Mobile” app from the appstore and select Northwest University as your institution in the app. | Not recommended. The reading experience on some books can be very poor. | Yes, get the “Libby” app from the appstore and set Northwest University as your library in the app. |
Download to PDF and printing chapters | Yes, each book will have a different number of pages you can save to PDF or print. Click the Print icon at the top of the page to see how many pages are allowed. | Yes, with exceptions. Each book will have a different number of pages you can save to PDF or print. Check the “Availability” section. | No. |
Subject coverage | All academic subjects. | Mostly religion, but many other subjects as well. | Literature and religion. |
Annotations and bookmarks | No. | Yes, but they cannot be exported. | Yes, but they cannot be exported. |
Search within the book and navigate by chapter | Yes. | Yes. | Yes. |
Direct link to ebooks on this platform | | | |