If you have a variable that you would like to measure, such as depression or reading comprehension, you can use these resources to select an appropriate research instrument.
Tests In Print VII
The most comprehensive index to commercially available tests published in English, this volume contains information on more than four thousand testing instruments.
Available in print (BF 431 .B933 2006 – General Collection) and online through the Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print database.
Search for articles in psychology and related fields that use or describe a test/instrument for your topic.
- Use Advanced Search.
- Enter keywords for your topic/variable into the first search box. Change the search option to TM Tests & Measures using the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.
- If you would like to limit your results to articles we have in full-text online, check the box under Linked Full Text. If you do NOT check the box, your results will include articles that we can obtain through interlibrary loan (ILL).
- You may use other limiters such as Age Groups or Population Group. Hold down the CTRL button when selecting more than one option.
Search for articles in nursing and allied health, including mental health, that use or describe a test/instrument for your topic.
- Use Advanced Search.
- Enter keywords for your topic/variable into the first search box.
- Enter < questionnaires OR scales > into the second search box. Change the search option to MH Exact Subject Heading using the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.
- If you would like to limit your results to articles we have in full-text online, check the box under Full Text. If you do NOT check the box, your results will include articles that we can obtain through interlibrary loan (ILL).
- You may use other limiters such as Sex or Age Groups. Hold down the CTRL button when selecting more than one option.
Search for articles in education and related fields that include the actual test/instrument used.
- Use Advanced Search.
- Enter keywords for your topic/variable into the first search box.
- Enter < tests/questionnaires > into the second search box. Change the search option to PU Publication Type using the drop-down menu to the right of the search box.
- If you would like to limit your results to articles we have in full-text online, check the box under Full Text. If you do NOT check the box, your results will include articles that we can obtain through interlibrary loan (ILL).
- You may use other limiters such as Educational Level. Hold down the CTRL button when selecting more than one option.